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.  2001-05 - Bacc. History of art, UQAM

·  1998-2000 - Major in sculpture, Concordia University, Montreal

·  1983 - Certificate in sculpture, UQAM



Quebec, France and United States /selection

.  2018 - Creative writing workshop, Côte-Nord Culture Council, Baie-Comeau

.  1983 - The working conditions of the sculptor, France, Office Franco-Québécois de la Jeunesse (OFQJ)

.  1981 - Concrete in sculpture, Cegep Limoilou, Quebec

.  1980 - Reading of plans and specifications, Cegep Montmorency, Laval

.  1979 - Casting and Foundry, Maryland University, International Sculpture Conference, Washington



Creation of the artistic duo SYLLAD with the artist-photographer Ladislas Kadyszewski








.  2020 - Gallery of the University of Sherbrooke, Journey through matter with variable identities and intensities, curator Suzanne Pressé

.  2014 - Lison Furniture Design, Vancouver, BC

.  2014 - Francophone Cultural Center of Vancouver, BC

.  2013 - Martin Bachelor Gallery, Victoria, BC

.  2004 - Espace-Galerie Balthazart, Wood, bronzes and other incarnations, St-Lambert, Quebec

.  1978 - André-Bécot Gallery, Quebec



.  2021- Exhibition Outside the Walls invited by From causes to effects, exhibition with curators, showcase in the city center.

.  2021- The big trip, Sherbrooke

.  2019 - Correspondances d'Eastman, The artist's book to see and read, in collaboration with the Art Gallery of the Cultural Center of the University of Sherbrooke

.  2017 - Creation of an original piece based on a text by Louise Dupré, Et si la vie…, and exhibition-sale for the benefit of the Association québécoise pour la      suicide prevention, Quebec

.  1991 - Forced Winter, The Old Palace Art Gallery, St-Jérôme, curator Michel Rivest

.  1987 - Environmental and autonomous sculptures, Maison de la Culture Marie-Uguay, Montreal

.  1985 - Confrontation, Quebec Sculpture Council, Montreal Botanical Garden

.  1984 - Confrontation, Quebec Sculpture Council, Exhibition Pavilion, Terre des Hommes, Montreal

.  1981 - Seven Proposals on a Given Theme, Matane Art Gallery, Quebec

.  1981 - Around the Arts, Bas St-Laurent Museum, Rivière du loup, Quebec

.  1980 - Mount Royal Art Center, Montreal

.  1978 - Sculptures 1979, La Laurentienne Building, Quebec

.  1991 - Forced Winter, The Old Palace Art Gallery, St-Jérôme, curator Michel Rivest

.  1987 - Environmental and autonomous sculptures, Maison de la Culture Marie-Uguay, Montreal

.  1985 - Confrontation, Quebec Sculpture Council, Montreal Botanical Garden

.  1984 - Confrontation, Quebec Sculpture Council, Exhibition Pavilion, Terre des Hommes, Montreal

.  1981 - Seven Proposals on a Given Theme, Matane Art Gallery, Quebec

.  1981 - Around the Arts, Bas St-Laurent Museum, Rivière du loup, Quebec

.  1980 - Mount Royal Art Center, Montreal

.  1978 - Sculptures 1979, La Laurentienne Building, Quebec



.  1979-82 - Contemporary Sculptures, Traveling exhibition organized by Rothmans Pall Mall of Canada, 30 cities of Quebec and catalog.



.  2013 - Initiator and management of the project (socio-financing, mediation with schools, communications) Hearts of the world (20 other hearts installed in the world) produced by Sète artist François Michaud at Victor-Brodeur school, Victoria, BC

.  2011 - Collaboration in the production of a mural designed by artist Laura Weisbord (400 self-portraits of children) École Victor-Brodeur, Victoria, BC

.  1983 - Entrance doors, awning and light fixtures, Maison de la Culture Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, Montreal;

.  1981 - Mural, Sûreté du Québec, Chandler-Arts and Architecture Integration Program, Govt. of Quebec;



.  2019 to date- Estrie Culture Council

.  1992-95 - Member of La Centrale, (Powerhouse), Self-managed center

.  1987-90 - Member of ACE (Association of Cultural Executives);

.  1987-90 and 2015 to date - Member of the group of artists for peace;

.  1979-95 - Professional member of the Conseil de la Sculpture du Québec; vice-president (79-81)



.  2022 - Creation assistance grant, Visual Arts in the Eastern Townships-Territorial partnership, CALQ.

.  1981 - Creation assistance grant, Technical resources component, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Quebec;

.  1980 - Creation grant, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Quebec;

.  1979 - Creation assistance grant, Technical resources component, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Quebec.



.  2014 - Historical dictionary of Quebec sculpture in the 20th century,  Current art, Practices and perspectives Space

.  DEBAENE Guillaume, Sylvie Rochette: an artist at the service of her peers, Espace francophone, Francophone of the month, Vancouver, Volume 14, Edition 5, April 2014

.  ARBEC, Jules, Five sculptors, five ways, Vie des Arts 24 no 96 (autumn 1979) 37-40. 4 ill

.  LERNER, Loren R. & Williamson Mary F., Art and Architecture in Canada \ Art and Architecture in Canada, A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature, Bibliographie et guide de la documentation, University of Toronto Press 1991, 232 p. Toronto Buffalo London



.  With artists from different sub-sectors (circus, visual arts, arts and crafts, music) for the development and management of various projects (creation, promotion, dissemination, and fundraising, management and strategic planning)- (More than 2000 hours of training provided) between 1990 and 2010-some clients in Quebec: Union des artistes (UDA), En Piste (circus), National Circus School (ENC-Lecturer, DEC graduating students, Institute of Crafts (Cegep du Vieux-Montréal), Conseil des métiers d'art du Québec (CMAQ), Montreal School of Jewelry and Art Metals, Contemporary Center for Textiles of Montreal, Théâtre L'Esquisse, Les Conseils de la Culture:  Laurentians, Lanaudière, Bas St-Laurent, Montérégie. Saguenay, Association of schools specializing in the arts of Montreal (ADESAM) and Collège de Rosemont, Montreal, Adult Education, Participation in the Artistic Career Management training course given by Blanche Morin (225 h)-1997 to 2000; British Columbia: Réseau-Femmes, Francophone Cultural and Artistic Council of British Columbia-2005-2016;

.  Realization of preliminary studies: Pathways to the labor market for performers (with the Union des artistes); Study of agents, artist managers (with Min. Culture and Communications and Min. of Education)/Stage managers/Director and assistant-director/Producers of cultural events

.  French adaptation of the career management guide: The art of managing your career in collaboration with Blanche Morin (2000) distributed throughout the Canadian artistic sector; 2019-2020 Speaker Respectful Workplaces in the Arts;

.  Montreal Symphony Orchestra (OSM)

.  Quebec Crafts Council:

Conseil des métiers d'art du Québec (CMAQ) and responsible for the selection jury for the biennials of the Grand Prix des métiers d'art/responsible for publishing and publications -1990-1995;

.  Conseil de la sculpture du Québec, in collaboration with the editorial committee including Ninon Gauthier, Luc Larochelle, 1981;



.  Chant'ouest, Francophone Cultural and Artistic Council of British Columbia, Vancouver, 2013;

.  Export Prize, Cultural Business Development Corporation (SODEC 2001,2002,2003, Madeleine Dansereau Prize);

.  Granting of permits to craftsmen of the City of Montreal, Culture Division, 1995-2002

.  Round table of creators for the establishment of a copyright management method for multimedia (1994 to 1996);

.  Guest speaker at the round table Integration of the arts in the city. Colloquium organized by the landscape architecture department of the University of Montreal-1990;

.  Participation in the round table La loi du 1%, a program for integrating the arts into architecture organized by the Musée du Bas-St-Laurent, Rivière-du-Loup-1981;

.  Organization of an exhibition of more than 25 sculptures, Edifice La Laurentienne, Québec-1978;

.  Organization of an exhibition bringing together 30 sculptors, Tour du Complexe G, Québec-1977;


Revised Avril 2022

Thanks for being part of the adventure!

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No reproduction without permission granted, thank you.     

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